
A queer in the house

by benjamin feldt

"I've inquired into it quite extensively, Fred, and to be frank I don't think any of them really know a hell of a lot about it. I mean, one says it's because there's not enough love in the home, another says it's because of overprotection; one says it's always existed and always will, a part of nature, another says our society is producing more now than ever. Well, who you gonna believe? I mean, do any of them really know what they're talking about? I want to know, for god's sake! I wanna know what's the matter. I mean, he's my own son. (Yeah, sure, I'll have another. Why not?)

"My own son. Huh, that's a laugh. My own thing! What is it? A thingsomething else. Did you ever think about it? I mean about what they do. It's disgusting. Think of doing that to another man! What a disgusting thing to do. Or letting him put it up your ass or something. What could possibly possess a person to let someone-Oh, god! Perversion is the word for it. They're a bunch of perverts. They're perverted nature, twisted, something else. God.